Lot description: RAN Relief Fund & King George's Fund for Sailors, July 30, 1942, Guaranteed Souvenir from the Japanese Midget Submarine Sunk in Sydney Harbour, Sunday, May 31st, 1942, a rectangular brass (?) off-cut (38x24mm), with two Japanese characters on one side, with a pierced hole at edge for attaching 'Guaranteed Souvenir' card with details printed in blue, on the reverse is the hand-written name and address of the original buyer. Good fine.
Notes: A captured Japanese midget submarine was put on display at Fort Macquarie in Sydney and the admission price to view was children-6d, adults-1/- with men in uniform half price. At the exhibition souvenirs from the midget submarine were sold and all sale and admission proceeds went in aid of the abovementioned funds. It was later exhibited at various regional towns and state capitals on the same basis.